Grupa: Użytkownik
Posty: 1910 #8176978 Od: 2020-10-23

In 20 of May 2020, the hacking forum Nulled.ch was breached and the data published to a rival hacking forum. Over 43k records were compromised and included IP and email addresses, usernames and passwords stored as salted MD5 hashes alongside the private message history of the website's admin.
Compromised data: Usernames, Email Addresses, Passwords, IP Addresses, Dates of Birth, Website Activity, Administrator Private Messages
Note: My data is leaked in this database and it is a match. With the combination of the password hash and salt is possible to crack the password.
Download: https://filecrypt.cc/Container/E06587D033.html https://mega4up.com/mqz90f5t6yuv https://nitroflare.com/view/327B1F87E6C8048/nulledch-database-leaked-20-of-may-2020.rar http://uploadb.me/gq6aqs353nrj/nulledch-database-leaked-20-of-may-2020.rar.html _________________ OG Marketplace - https://files.offshore.cat/XNObT0Tz.html |